PAWSibilities Animal Rescue Inc.

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Vaccinating Cats

Cats should be routinely vaccinated against the following:

  • Feline panleukopemia, which is becoming an increasingly common disease causing severe vomiting and diarrhea; it is severe and often fatal.

  • Feline herpes virus is one of the main causes of cat respiratory symptoms or ulcers in the mouth. In most cases, it is not serious but can cause lifelong problems. It is very common in un­vaccinated cats. Cat colds can be life-threatening in young, old, or immune-compromised cats.

  • Feline calicivirus is another important viral contributor to colds and can cause large ulcers on the tongue and gums.

Cats can also be vaccinated against the following (some vets have combined vaccines to cover all these diseases):

  • Feline leukemia virus (FeLV). This virus can cause many problems including tumors. FeLV causes a wekaneed immune system, which makes cats more susceptible to common colds and they may react stronger than FeLV negative cats. Many cats can combat the infection, but about 30% of cats will become persistently infected and may die. This virus is widespread in the U.S. and untreatable.

  • Chlamydophila felis (conjunctivitis) can be a particular problem in multi-cat households and shelters. It most commonly causes eye infec­tions but can also cause respiratory disease and infertility.

When to vaccinate

Kittens need a course of vaccinations starting at nine weeks of age. Booster vaccinations are usually given yearly after this to maintain protection but check with your veterinarian for the best plan of action.

Leaving with your new cat or kitten adopted from PAWSibilities, he or she will have received at least their first vaccines. However, the kitten or cat should be well-checked by your veterinarian within the first week or two. If your new pet is a young kitten, it may need its second round of vaccines from your vet. The paperwork you receive from PAWSibilities will have the necessary information your vet needs. Make sure to take it with you on your first visit.